Phil Boiarski won the Annual Ekphrastic Writing Competition sponsored by the Toledo Museum of Art. The poem and the beautiful color woodcut that inspired it are on his blog, Boiarski, the blog.
Minnpost.com published "Superior's East End and Anthony Bukoski's Ghosts," a wonderful piece about this Polish-American fiction writer and the world he grew up.
One of Sharon Chmielarz's poem was awarded the Jane Kenyon Prize from Water~Stone Review.
Helen Degen Cohen's new chapbook Neruda Nights will be available for pre-publication sale from Finishing Line Press at end of this month.

Mary Krane Derr recently published a poem entitled "Transit of Venus" in the New Verse News. She has also launched a website for her poetry: http://marykranederr.wordpress.com/.
Piotr Florczyk's translation of Jacek Gutorow's The Folding Star and Other Poems (BOA) is available from Amazon.
Oriana Ivy continues to think and write about poetry and the wide world it opens to her. The current post discusses Dostoyevsky and Louise Hay. Her poem "Wheat (for the people of the village of Ponikła)" appears at Contemporary World Poetry Journal.
Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka edits the Bilingual Translations section of the Loch Raven Review. The spring 2012 issue celebrated the poems of Wisława Szymborska, and the summer 2011 issue featured the work of two Polish poets.
Leonard Kress reports that he has short fiction and an interview in the Atticus Review, poems in Big Bridge and The Cortland Review, and translations of poems by Uri Zvi Greenberg, an Israeli poet born in Poland, in The Los Angeles Review. Leonard also recently placed poems about Zbigniew Herbert and Czeslaw Milosz in The New Orleans Review.
Mark Lewandowski's piece about studying the Polish language was recently published in A Bad Penny Review. He's had two other essays published in the past month: "Out of Bodies," The Cream City Review, and "Footsteps in the Rain," Bluestem Magazine.
Paul Milenski placed stories recently in: Global Outlook, McGraw Hill-- Singapore, Santa Fe Literary Review, and The Firewalkers Book. He was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for his story entitled "Grandfathers" in Child of My Child.
Elisabeth Murawski has six poems in the recently published Winter Tales II, Women on the Art of Aging. Edited by R.A. Rycraft and Leslie What. The anthology also includes work by Ursula K. LeGuin, Alicia Ostriker, Kelly Cherry, Dorianne Laux, and others. It’s available now from Amazon.
Elisabeth Murawski has six poems in the recently published Winter Tales II, Women on the Art of Aging. Edited by R.A. Rycraft and Leslie What. The anthology also includes work by Ursula K. LeGuin, Alicia Ostriker, Kelly Cherry, Dorianne Laux, and others. It’s available now from Amazon.
Amy Nawrocki's chapbook Lune de Miel will be published at the end of August, 2012. You can pre-order from Finishing Line Press by clicking here.
Seven Kitchens is publishing Christina Pacosz's chapbook How to Measure the Darkness in a limited edition of 49 copies as announced earlier this year. The book can be ordered by clicking here. Her poem "Murder by the (Wong) Numbers" has been accepted for the print anthology American Society: What the Poet Sees by FutureCycle Press, edited by Robert S. King and David Chorlton, and also appears in her chapbook and NewVerse News. Also, she'll be giving a reading with two other poets (Kay Reid and Barbara Lamorticella) in Portland, Oregon on July 23, 2012. The reading will be published as a podcast. Information is available at the Three Friends Coffeeshop/Caffeinated Art web site. Amy Nawrocki's chapbook Lune de Miel will be published at the end of August, 2012. You can pre-order from Finishing Line Press by clicking here.
Evelyn Posamentier's poetry collection Poland At the Door was recently reviewed at Newpages.com by Joanna Kurowska. The review can be accessed by clicking here. The book is available through Amazon.
Mark Pawlak's Go to the Pine: Quoddy Journals 2005-2010, a collection of his poetic journals will be published on October 1, 2012, by Bootstrap Press. He also has poems in Ibbetson Street (#31), Stepaway #6, and New American Writing.

Steve Poleskie had a short story published in the English language online magazine from Mexico, In Other Words: Merida.
John Popielaski's Isn't It Romantic? won the 2011 Robert Phillips Poetry Chapbook Prize and is forthcoming from Texas Review Press in October.
Janice Miller Potter's poems about the laborers and Polish immigrants who populated her Appalachian childhood are now available in her chapbook Psalms in Time (Finishing Line Press).
Bill Rasmovicz's Gross Ardor will be published by 42 Miles Press in September 2013.
Rebecca Thaddeus will read from her novel One Amber Bead at the Courthouse in Omer, Michigan, July 18 at 7:00. This novel is based on the WWII experiences of her mother who worked in a defense factory in Chicago and her mother-in-law who was a prisoner in a German labor camp, and about how those experiences changed their lives forever. Find out more about One Amber Bead on oneamberblog.
Maja Trochimczyk's "Three Postcards from Paris" (inspired byRon Liebbrecht's watercolors) appear in The Quill and Parchment. (To access the poem, you will need the following: The username is : july and the password is: salmon) Maja also has organized the first group reading from Meditations on Divine Names, an anthology she edited on the names of God. It is scheduled for July 22, at 4:30 p.m. at Bolton Hall Museum, in Tujunga, CA, 10110 Commerce Avenue, as part of the Village Poets Monthly Readings series. The book was published by Moonrise Press in May 2012, and it is available from Lulu for $21. The details are on the publisher's website, www.moonrisepress.com/divine.html, or on lulu.com.
Chris Wiewiora recently placed two personal essays: "Sleeping Over" on nerve.com and "Lushies" in Issue #4 of Under the Gum Tree. He's also published a few new things in Good Men Project. There's more, and you can read about it at his newly redesigned website: www.chriswiewiora.com.
Carl Winderl placed two poems ("Of the Holy Spirit and Elvis” and “His Father’s Hand”) in an anthology published under the auspices of Poetry in The Cathedral. The volume is entitled From Glory to Glory, available at Amazon.
Linda Ciulik Wisniewski won first prize in the Pearl Buck Writing Center's 2012 short story contest. The story is posted here: http://www.psbi.org/page.aspx?pid=500. Linda also had an essay published in the March issue of Biostories.com, an online journal of memoirs and personal essays.
Kristen Witucki has a novel coming out early next year from Gemmamedia Press. It's called The Transcriber, and it's written for adolescent and adult new readers.
Andrena Zawinski's Turning a Train of Thought Upside Down, an anthology of poems by women writers, was recently published by Scarlet Tanager Books, Oakland, CA. It's available online through Small Press Distribution, Amazon, Barnes and Noble. She is also the features editor of PoetryMagazine.com, and the latest issue is just out.

The photos above are from an album called "Warsaw is ... a crazy place" by Bogdan Frymorgen.
John Guzlowski's "A Gift from Buchenwald," a personal essay about his parents' coming to America was recently featured at Salon.com.
His anthology of poems about Heaven and Hell, featuring 48 poems from 37 poets, appears in the current issue of Scream Online.
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