Stateside, Jehanne Dubrow's new book of poems about her military husband's deployment, was recently featured on the NPR program Fresh Air.
Polish-American journalist Bozena U. Zaremba continues her extraordinary interviews with classical pianists. Here is her recent interview with Jon Nakamatsu, 1997 Gold Medalist at the 10th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. Click here.
John Minczeski and I are editing a new edition of the classic anthology of Polish American writing, Concert at Chopin's House. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 31, 2012. Click here to read about submission guidelines.
Suzanne Strempek Shea, the author of the Hoopi Shoopi Donna and Selling the Lite of Heaven, will be speaking at a symposium "In Praise of the Essay," at Fordham University's Lincoln Center on October 15. Complete information is available at the university's website.
A photograph by the photographer Bogdan Frymorgen:
Anna Marie Mickiewicz's poetry was recently read by Ott-Siim Toomet at the Art Centre in Vaniistu, Estonia. Ott read the poems in Polish. He is the son of the well-known Estonian writer of Polish origin, Jaan Kaplinski.
Nikt, kogo kocham
nie umarł na razie dziś
każda wojna na tym świecie bez wyjątku
mnie omijała
nie głoduję i nie trafiłam
na mapę żadnego terrorysty
ani na niczyją oś zła
nikt mnie dzisiaj nie torturował
żaden policjant nie zastrzelił mnie przypadkiem ani celowo
żadna fala tsunami nie zmyła mojego domu
nie zostałam skazana na karę śmierci za zdradę,
bluźnierstwo, morderstwo
ani za to, że zupa była za słona
No one I love
has died so far today
every single war in this world
has passed me by
I am not starving and I haven’t stumbled
onto any terrorist’s map
or into anyone’s axis of evil
nobody tortured me today
no policeman shot me by accident or on purpose
no tidal wave swept my house away
I was not sentenced to death for infidelity
blasphemy, murder
or not having put enough salt in the soup
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